Hungarian Extension Pack - Localization


Hungarian localization with extended functionality developed by MultiSoft.

Hungarian Extension Pack (HEP) is designed to meet all Hungarian legislative requirements, including nice-to-have features. HEP is the ultimate business solution for companies using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in Hungary.

Do you want to ensure that your business complies with the local regulations? Want to increase the effectiveness of your productivity? Enjoy all the benefits of Hungarian Extension Pack and manage your operation conveniently, safe and sound.

It's essential for every company to comply with the local legislative regulations. In a rapidly changing area like the field of financial and tax regulations in Hungary, it can spare time, resources and ultimately money when having a feature-rich localization implemented.

Hungarian Extension Pack is available in two bundles

Standard Localization Package

Meets all Hungarian legal requirements, and embrace such features which are basic expectations when it comes to selecting the right, modernistic ERP system. Including, but not exclusively:

  • Online invoicing for tax authority
  • VAT related functions (date, analytics, reporting etc.)
  • Local banking feature
  • Fixed asset management
  • Advance invoice
  • Intrastat statement
  • Document date and VAT date check in G/L
  • Cash invoice rounding
  • Hungarian language

Advanced Localization Package

Includes the whole Standard functionality and further nice-to-have features like:

  • Petty Cash module
  • EKÁER module
  • MNB exchange rate loader
  • Advanced banking module
  • E-Invoice feature
  • Advanced document templates

And further functions are coming with every new major release.

Check our roadmap on our website! Click here!

To learn more about Hungarian Extension Pack and the localization packages get in touch with our professionals here or push the "Contact me" button.

Supported editions

The Hungarian Extension Pack supports the Microsoft supported Business Central versions and every editions (Essential and Premium).

Supported country


Supported languages

This app is available in Hungarian language. 

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